Vox Healing - Wear the words that can heal your world - Accessories and clothes

The designs and the words in this collection are made for being soft, kind and healing Being able to heal ourselves and people around is a great priviledge and contributes to change the world and creates harmony

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Vox Consciousness - Wear the words that help you be more conscious - Accessories and clothes

This collection has designs and words made to make us more conscious about who we are and how we contribute to make the world a better place

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Vox Wisdom - Wear the words of ancient wisdom for modern living - Accessories and clothes

This collection is dedicated to amazing Wisdom from all over the world. Wisdom through Texts and Prayers for those who want to find peace through Wisdom

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Vox Blast - Wear the words of your way to see the world - Accessories and clothes

This collection is for people who want to celebrate their differences, the way they see the world, and how they want it to change. Change is started by understanding...

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Vox Enneagram - Wear the words of your personality - Accessories and clothes

In this collection the designs are about Enneagram and expressing the different types of personalities.

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Vox Dei - Wear the words of mystics and prophets - Accessories and clothes

In this collection, the words of mystics and prophets offer a way to spread wisdom and peace around you

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Vox Special - Wear ideas that can transforme yourself - Accessories and clothes

This designs represent powerful and transformative ideas

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